beautiful cock

beautiful cock

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

An exception to the rule...

 A special arrangement was made to allow this man's face to be seen on the Beautiful Cock blog.

 So what are everyone's thoughts? Should we allow face shots when the contributor desires to show it?


  1. yes please! nice to see the face behind the beautiful cock.

  2. Thank you for the feedback... it's really nice to know if people are having a positive or negative reaction to anything new on the blog. Your feedback means a lot to me and will affect how things go in the future!

    Plus, he's a cutie, isn't he? ;)

  3. p.s. Look for a video with this guy in it in the not too distant future. :)

  4. I think it's great if they ask for it :)

  5. Very handsome! Beautiful cock too. :)

  6. I don't agree that you should show faces. I think it takes AWAY from the majesty of the cock! This site is to marvel at the phallus, the beauty and uniqueness of the cock and balls.
    I wouldn't want it's identity taken away by seeing the face.

    Of course, it's not up to me- lol. nice pics anyway ;)

  7. Thank you Anon. It will still only be an option, not a requirement. There will still be lots of men who do not want to show their faces, so there should be plenty for you here also.

  8. As a woman it is nice to see the whole package a cute face and a big cock, I get all kinds of naughty thoughts.
